Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A: Do you think that working in art at Sotheby’s has influenced your personal style?

K: Yes, I do! While I'm at Sotheby’s I get to see such a great mixture of mediums from ceramics to furniture and paintings. For example, last week we had Asia week which really influenced me to wear a lot more turquoise and jade. I feel like my environment really influences what I wear and seeing all these different inspirations all over the room really impacts my style.

A: What do you think about the relationship between art and fashion?

K: In art you have each movement which I feel like is influenced by music, and music is very influenced by literature, and all three of those combined can really influence a fashion movement. Its crazy how something with words can influence something visual but the total mixture is just so eclectic and it all comes out to be relatively saying the same thing and kind of conveying a sort of feeling out there. 

A: We know that you lived abroad while you were studying at Sotheby’s in the UK after graduating from College of Charleston, how did the fashion differ at both schools?

K: In Charleston, it’s very much a southern school. You see most of the girls walking around in Lily Pulitzer and pearls, and they would never dare go out of their apartment in sweatpants or a sweatshirt. In the UK it's all about the grunge factor- anything goes. Mixing beat up converse with a bright pink sweatshirt- they just have such a creative style! I feel like it's due to the environment they grew up in and the variety of culture they see everyday.

A: Who is your favorite designer and why?

K: My favorite designer is Matthew Williamson. I love the way he mixes colors and textiles they are so vibrant and happy which is how I like to live my life!

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